Our Concrete Based Tire Wash designs are meant for long continuous years of use, usually about 20 to 30 years. They consist of a concrete wash rack that is designed to handle all size and weight truck traffic and excessive volume truck traffic. It is also designed to manage water and soil flows once they are cleaned from the trucks. The Concrete Based Tire Wash usually involves more time to install then our Steel Modular Tire Wash. Most concrete wash racks are accompanied by a concrete poured in place water tank. These concrete tanks are designed to manage solids as well as their water flows. The time required to pour a concrete tank is approximately 1 month.
Our large STB 200 Truck Wash systems are in the largest landfills and Quarries in America. These sites are the most difficult to remove mud from their truck tires.
The STB 200 Tire Wash and Wheel Wash pictures are shown in our website.
You can obtain more details about our Permanent Concrete Based Tire Wash by contacting our sales department at 1-800-884-9281 or 215-956-9800.
All tanks have an OSHA approved railing around them. The concrete wash rack could either have steel splash walls installed or a steel building placed around it. Signal lights can be added to the building for easy and safe flow of traffic.
Don't forget our Portable Tire Wash comes with a 5 year warranty and installs in only one day!